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Radical Hospitality

It's not about coffee and cookies, rather at All Faiths you will receive much more than a polite welcome. You will be received with revolutionary generosity. 

Image by Jeremy Yap

Programs & Events

Our programs and events for all ages nurture Unitarian Universalist identity, spiritual growth, a transforming faith, and vital communities of justice and love.  

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Child & Youth Programs

At All Faiths, our goal is to help our youth develop their own values and better understand the meaning of community.




Radical Hospitality

Yes, All Faiths is welcoming, but that is not a unique claim. As I have been told, all congregations believe they are welcoming. After thinking about it I was able to articulate that All Faiths is set apart from other UU congregations because of its radical hospitality. Now this doesn’t mean we serve great coffee and the best cookies. Radical means “out of the ordinary,” “revolutionary,” even. So what would it mean to receive someone with a presence that was not just polite, but to receive them with revolutionary generosity?


I’m not talking about being politically correct, or legalistic—I’m talking about hospitality as spiritual practice. I’m not talking about just opening the doors—I’m talking about opening the heart. This is what we do at All Faiths. We are radical in our love for one another. I always say it’s highly unlikely that you will fall through the cracks here because we won’t let you. Here you are found. Here, you are seen. Here you are loved and appreciated. 

Radical Hosp
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At All Faiths we have more than one way of experiencing the world and understanding the sacred. No matter who you are, wherever you are on your spiritual journey and no matter whom you love, you are truly welcome here.

Programs & Events

All Faiths offers programs that embody lifespan development.  Our programs inspire, teach, and offer the tools we need for a thriving faith and developing your Unitarian Universalist identity.  We also offer events that relate our commitment to environmental justice, racial equity, homelessness, and some are just for fun and to build community.  Our programs and events encourage you to first get connected with All Faiths then become more involved  in the life of our congregation.

Programs & Events
Child & Youth Programs

We Teach Our Children


To respect themselves and others.


To love in their ever growing circles of the human community.


To search for truth in the presence of other seekers to seek liberty, peace and justice in our world.


To engage their mind and body, heart and soul in creating a meaningful life journey.


To understand and appreciate what it means to be Unitarian Universalist.


To love and respect the earth and all the plants and animals.


To reflect on questions of creation, God, birth and death, holy days, Bible stories and stories from other sacred texts.


To converse about the wisdom of other world religions.


To celebrate and enjoy life.

At All Faiths, we are a community of open-hearted individuals seeking spiritual growth, pursuing personal development, and offering mutual respect and support. We work together to build a strong congregation and community in Southwest Florida, both for its people and for its ecosystems. We have meaningful and inclusive Sunday services, an active music program, programs for our youngest to our oldest, and an established care and support network. 

You belong at All Faiths!  Welcome!

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Child & Youth We Teach
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