Child and Youth Programs

At All Faiths, we offer a safe and inclusive environment in which children and youth can further develop their personal values, affirm their authentic self, and explore their connection to their community. Our lessons offer deeper understanding of the world around us, and they promote social action and critical thinking.

OUR MISSION is to help children and youth develop a sustaining faith and a total response to life composed of both spirituality and religious identity as Unitarian Universalists. We explore religious, spiritual, ethical, and social issues, encouraging children to practice kindness, acceptance, and the courage to express their beliefs through the way they live.
We offer a 47-week program each Sunday, August through June with a hiatus in July. During the pandemic we meet on Zoom at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays, and Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Our Director of Child and Youth Programs and two volunteers staff the program. Our paid staff are supervised by our Minister and receive training and background checks. Volunteers work with staff and sign a Code of Ethics.
Learn more about our program by contacting our office.
We Teach Our Children
To center Love.
To respect themselves and others.
To love in their ever growing circles of the human community.
To search for truth in the presence of other seekers to seek liberty, peace and justice in our world.
To engage their mind and body, heart and soul in creating a meaningful life journey.
​​To understand and appreciate what it means to be Unitarian Universalist.
To love and respect the diversity of creation including people, the earth, plants and animals.
To reflect on questions of creation, God, birth and death, holy days, Bible stories and stories from other sacred texts and myths.
To converse about the wisdom of world religions.
To celebrate and enjoy life.